Activity Service Methods

Run in Postman


This method returns counts of numbers of sessions started within the given date range, broken down by session type and status.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.
type Parameter must be supplied, but value is optional. “C” Cobrowse, “G” Screen Share, or “V” Video (blank returns all).
status “A” Active or “C” Completed sessions.
Date range of session starting times.

For today’s sessions, set startRange to today and endRange to tomorrow.

The maximum range is 31 days.

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


This method returns counts of numbers of sessions ended within the given date/time range, broken down by session type and status.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.
type Parameter must be supplied, but value is optional. “C” Cobrowse, “G” Screen Share, or “V” Video (blank returns all).
Date range of session starting times.

For today’s sessions, set startRange to today and endRange to tomorrow.

The maximum range is 31 days.

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfSessionCount xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


This method returns essentially the list in the Glance Account Activity tab: an array of all currently Active or Waiting sessions for all users in your Glance Group (organization). It does not return all session fields or detail guest information, but that can be retrieved for a specific session with PartnerUserSessions (see below).

An Active (A) session has at least one each of Agent/Host and Visitor/Guest connected. A Waiting (W) session has been started and is still waiting for the other party to join.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ArrayOfActiveSession xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


This method returns a list of completed sessions started within the date/time range, grouped by user.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.
Date range of session starting times.

For today’s sessions, set startRange to today and endRange to tomorrow.

The maximum range is 31 days.
sessionKey Parameter must be supplied, but value is optional. If supplied, then only sessions with that key are returned.
nResults Number of sessions to return in this call, must be between 1 and 1000
nextId Next starting id for pagination of results. For the first (or a single) call
pass 0. On subsequent calls, pass the value returned by the previous

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<groupSessions xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


This method is the same as PartnerCompletedSessions except it returns a list of completed sessions ended within the date/time range.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.
Date range of session starting times.

For today’s sessions, set startRange to today and endRange to tomorrow.

The maximum range is 31 days.
sessionKey Parameter must be supplied, but value is optional. If supplied, then only sessions with that key are returned.
nResults Number of sessions to return in this call, must be between 1 and 1000
nextId Next starting id for pagination of results. For the first (or a single) call
pass 0. On subsequent calls, pass the value returned by the previous

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<groupSessions xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">


This method returns a list of sessions for a particular user.

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
partnerId Your Glance group id. This is assigned by Glance.
apiKey The unique identifier used to authenticate. Administrators can set, reset, and view API keys from the My Account area under Settings.
partnerUserId User whose session(s) are retrieved.
Date range of session starting times.

For today’s sessions, set startRange to today and endRange to tomorrow.

The maximum range is 31 days.
status Must be either “A” to return Active (in-progress) sessions or ‘“C” for
Completed sessions.
sessionKey Parameter must be supplied, but value is optional. If supplied, then only sessions with that key are returned.

The partnerUserId can be assigned by Glance, but will typically be supplied by you, if you provision users with the Glance Provisioning API. For more information on provisioning, contact Glance support.

Sample Results

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<userSessions xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">